Thursday, December 17, 2009

Forex Trading Guide For Beginners

Forex Trading Guide For Beginners

This is my official forex trading guide for beginners. I want to help all the new people to this business become better and more profitable traders. It really isn't that difficult to learn, you just need to remain open minded and not over complicate things in your head.

The first piece of a advice you need to take to heart is controlling your emotions. We as humans are emotional. It's part of our instinct that are designed to help us survive, but this is forex trading. Emotion in this business is detrimental to your wellbeing. Your emotions can leave your bank account empty if you're not smart about it. All the gut feelings you have, no matter how right they feel, need to be ignored. You need to turn from an emotional creature into one of logic. The only moves you make are the ones where you crunch the numbers and they look good.

The next thing you need to understand is about the concept of a "good buy". As consumers, we're always looking for a good buy. You have to remember we are in the business of trading. It's not the buying price that counts, it's the exit price that counts. It doesn't matter how cheap a currency is if there is no foreseeable exit. Why buy if you can't sell for more later? There is no reason. Understanding and identify where a currency will exit is how to bargain shop.

Lastly, you should get software like Forex Killer since it is a pivotal tool for all traders. It can help automate your trades, so you don't have to sit in front of the computer watching currency graphs all day. You can free up your time for doing more profitable things.

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