Friday, October 23, 2009

Future Option Trading

Future Option Trading - CBOT Future - Can You Make Consistent Profits?

Can you make money consistently in future option trading? Is the CBOT Future really a place that you can profit day in and day out? Those are good questions and the answer is a resounding "Yes!" Yes, you can make consistently good profits in future option trading. Yes, the CBOT future is a place where you can make money day in and day out. You came here to find out what the biggest mistake traders make in future option trading. Here it is:

A lack of discipline is the absolute biggest reason why traders fail in future option trading. As a result of a lack of discipline, emotions get in the way and the result is disaster. What is needed is a trading system when it comes to CBOT future. Trading with a system does away with emotions from future option trading. If you don't have a strategy and you try to make decisions when the market is moving, you are bound to become emotionally attached to positions. Usually what follows is panic and indecision when the market does go your way, as you do not have a prepared response. That's when most CBOT future traders lose their money. If you follow a system you will know what to do no matter what the market does.

Th big question is: How do you learn to exercise discipline with future option trading? That is not an easy question to answer but can say that the cheapest and most direct route to consistent profits in CBOT future trading is accomplished by trading under someone. I am talking about getting a mentor or coach. If you know someone that has been successful in future option trading then I would advise getting under their wing and learning all that you can. If you do not have a coach currently you may want to click on the link below. They are offering a FREE coaching session with a professional team of CBOT future traders.

10 Commonly Held Wisdoms That Will Destroy Your Account

Forex Trading Basics - 10 Commonly Held Wisdoms That Will Destroy Your Account

There is a lot of good forex trading education on the web and a lot which will ruin you. The 10 so called common wisdoms on how to make money don't. This might be why 95% of traders lose, so avoid them and get the right forex education and win.

1. You can Follow a Forex Robot and Win

You can but there are very few robots that do win.

It's an industry designed to appeal to greed and the fact is most of the robots have never even been traded - they are all simulated in hindsight ( check the disclaimer) and never likely to win going forward, as there simply made up knowing the past - How hard is that? Not very. Pay $100 and make $100,000 a year, is not real life!

2. You need to predict prices to win

Prediction is another word for hoping and guessing and wont get you far and you will find your market timing and you're trading signals are as accurate as your horoscope!

Act on the reality of price change on your forex charts and forget prediction - know one knows the future, so trade the reality and the truth and you will have the odds on your side.

3. Buy low and sell high is a Great Way to Make Money

It would be if you could do it but you can't and you will get involved in prediction and also keep in mind this simple fact - most big trends start from breaks of new market highs, so you need to buy and sell higher, to catch the really big forex trends.

If you are not familiar with breakout trading make it part of your forex education if you do, you will catch all the best moves and be in on the high odds trades

4. You Should see if You Can Win With a Demo Account

You might win with a demo account but what does that prove? Nothing, as real hard cold dollars are not on the line.

There is no pressure and forex trading is a pressure industry. To win you have to trade with the pressure on you and demo accounts don't do this.

5. Learn From Your Losses

Learn what - you lost! Big deal losing is part of the game. If you executed your trading signals in line with your system you learn absolutely nothing, don't bother it's a waste of time

6. Continually Learn

If you have a forex trading strategy that's logical you have confidence in and works - why change it?

We all want perfection but it's not possible. I have used the same system for 22 years and never changed it.

Sure, my forex trading system is not perfect but no ones is; it works and makes money and that's good enough for me.

7. Day trading and Scalping Works

Really? Ever seen a day trader with a track record of real profits?

Exactly, there all simulated profits not real ones, just like the forex robots we referred to earlier.

Forget this form of trading, the data is too short to try and work out what millions of traders will do in a few hours is futile.

8. Only Risk 2% Per Trade

Maybe if you have 100k or more but for small potato investors you can't take such small risks as your account will be destroyed by volatility - look to risk 10 - 20% and trade only high odds sets ups...

Better to risk more on these great trades, than low odds trades with 2%.

Most traders try to avoid risk so much they create it - don't make the same mistake.

9. Diversification Reduces Risk

It also dilutes profit potential. If you have a good high odds trade, don't dilute its potential for profit with low odds trades.

Diversification, if you have 100k plus can work but really it's not a way to make a small accounts equity grow quickly.

10. You Need Information Quickly

Why? It doesn't help you win and never will. Everyone has the information quickly, so you can't respond to it or gain an edge, so don't bother trying.

This is one of the biggest myths of forex trading and will make you lose. Stand back and watch the big picture, not the impact of every short term event.

So there you have some currency trading basics, in terms of wisdoms, that are commonly accepted and you should avoid. keep in mind the majority doesn't win so, what most think is true ...well - You know the answer!